Steps to Owning a Home

Visit our Sales Office, Promotional Booth or Show House Our, sales personnel will provide you with the registration form and you may state your choice of location and property. Registration forms can be obtained from any one of our sales and marketing offices in Kuantan and Kemaman.
2)Selecting a Unit
Prior to a launch, you will be invited to visit our office to select your unit. Selection of units will be on a first-come-first-serve basis.
3)Letter of Offer
Upon selecting the unit, we will then issue you a letter of offer and the receipt for the initial 10% down payment. The letter of offer shall detail the particulars of the property (ties) that you have purchased.
4)Execution of Sale and Purchase Agreement
You must execute the Sale and Purchase Agreement (SPA) at our appointed solicitor’s office upon settlement of the 10% down payment.
5)Application for Loan and EPF Withdrawal
We will assist you in applying for housing loan from our panel of end-financiers. For those who are EPF members and would like to make withdrawal from your EPF account, you will have to obtain the EPF Withdrawal Form from the EPF office or download the Form from the EPF website at
6)Letter of Offer on Loan
Upon approval of your loan, the end-financier will issue a Letter of Offer which usually must be accepted or acknowledged by you within 14 days. You are advised to settle the difference between the loan amount and the purchase price in accordance with the Third Schedule of the Sale and Purchase agreement.
7)Letter of Instruction to Execute Loan Documents at Solicitor’s Office
The end-financier will forward a letter of instruction to the solicitor to prepare loan documents for the purchaser’s execution. Where a separate title has been issued, the property will be charged to the end financier as security for the loan. If no separate title has not been issued, the property will be assigned to the end financier by way of the deed of the assignment of the SPA.
8)Registration of Documents
Where a separate title has been issued, the end-financier’s solicitor will normally present the Memorandum of Transfer in favour of the purchaser and the charge in favour of the end-financier for registration at the relevant Land Office. Where a separate title has not been-issued, the end-financier will keep the original SPA and the original Loan Agreement and Assignment as security for the loan.
9)Release of Progress Payment
Upon completion of the loan documentation, the end-financier’s solicitor will advise the end-financier to release outstanding progress payments to us in accordance with the Architect’s Certificates issued upon completion of each stage of construction.
10)Progress Billing
We will bill you or the end-financier progressively as and when the Architect’s Certificates are issued upon completion of each stage of construction as per the Third Schedule of the Housing Developer’s Act. Pay the differential sum (unfinanced portion). The bank releases the progress payment. If you are a cash purchaser, progress billing will be made directly to you.
11)Final Billing and Handing Over of Vacant Possession
On completion and obtaining the Temporary or Final Certificate of Fitness, we will notify you to take possession of the unit through a Letter of Handing Over of Vacant Possession. All outstanding payments including miscellaneous charges such as quit rent, assessment and etc, must be settled at this stage.
12)Collection of Keys
We will issue a Release Letter authorising our Customer Care Department to release the house keys to you upon full settlement of any outstanding payment.
13)Joint Inspection
We will arrange an appointment for a joint inspection between you and our Customer Care Department. The joint inspection is designed to ensure that all specifications as per the Sale and Purchase Agreement are provided for and to identify any defects or complaints. Your complaints should be in writing and will be attended to by our Implementation Section throughout the eighteen (18) months defects liability period. Any defects which become apparent during this period not arising from your own actions will be rectified by our Implementation Section and these written complaints will be attended to on a first-come-first-serve basis.