PSJ Reward

PSJ Calender


Terms & Conditions

  1. Just bring your friends and relatives who are interested in our properties to our respective sales office or exhibition booth along with this card.
  2. Cardholder will be given an ID number upon the first customer introduced.
  3. Commissions in the amount of RM1,500 payable to cardholder’s name will be paid via cheque.
  4. Cheque will be paid upon the release of the first draw-down by customer’s financial institution.
  5. Commission of RM5,000 payable by PSJ Group upon the release of the first draw down for the final fifth customer introduced.
  6. Commission of RM10,000 payable by PSJ Group upon the release of the first draw down for the final tenth customer introduced.
  7. This campaign is open to all Malaysian above 18 years old excluding the staff of PSJ Group and their immediate family members.
  8. This card is not transferable nor could the customers introduced be combined by cardholders.
  9. PSJ Group reserves the right to change, modify, amend the terms and conditions of this campaign without prior notice.
  10. The timeframe of this campaign starts from 1st January 2019 – 31th December 2019.
  11. The use of this card constitutes the acceptance of the term and conditions listed above.